Minimum Wage

The minimum wage is the lowest wage an employer can pay their employees. Each province or territory sets and changes its own minimum wage rate. Most workers are eligible for minimum wage, whether they are full-time, part-time, or seasonal.

Do you have questions about paying your employees? Our experts can help. Here’s what employers need to know about minimum employment standards for paying wages.

British Columbia’s general minimum wage is $15.65 per hour

The minimum wage in British Columbia increased to $15.65 an hour from $15.20 on June 1, 2022. In British Columbia, some workers are paid a different minimum wage based on their job type. Jobs such as live-in camp leaders, live-in home support workers and resident caretakers have different pay requirements. 

Live-in home support workers are paid a daily rate, which is $116.68 per day or part day worked. The minimum wage for live-in camp leaders is $125.06 per day.

The minimum wage for resident caretakers is $937.82 per month, plus $37.58 per suite for those looking after nine to 60 residential suites, and $3,194.43 per month for 61 or more suites.

It is important to be aware of the rules around minimum wage as well as any exempt occupations. If you are concerned about paying your employees and managing these changes effectively, ask Employer Line.

What does this mean for employers?

Employers in British Columbia should pay their minimum wage workers the correct general minimum wage ($15.65 per hour) from June 1, 2022. If a worker has not been receiving the correct wage, they will be owed the difference going back to June 1.

Questions about paying wages? Ask an HR expert today.

Employer Line is here to help employers understand British Columbia’s regulations around compensation. Call our complimentary HR and employment standards helpline to speak with one of our HR experts: 1-833-200-5103.